Monday 27 May 2019

3rd Day of the Harkan Moon

The night was cold, but the inn was warm. The beer was good. Tasted good. Felt good. Too much beer.

My head hurts.

It's watching me.

He sent this creature to me. To aid me. But there will be a trade-off. There is always a trade-off with Him. He will ask me to do something. But that is fine.

It's fine.

It's watching me while I write, I'm sure.

It said its name is Trondryll. It hasn't shown itself to me yet. But has asked lots of questions. Said It used to live in the hells. Then It's creator made a deal with Him. Now It's here to help me. I will be cautious.

I will not introduce It to my new companions, yet. My new companions are serious. And strange.

The God Botherer is unrelenting. He will be difficult to friend. He is strong in body and in faith. But his judgement of law blinds him to the possibilities that exist. However, he is powerful. Whatever new god he follows gives him great potency. He will be an ally. The undead destroyer.

The Little One is quiet. But deadly. He watches. Everything.

The Bird is brave. Disciplined. They have an inner strength that seems unnatural yet I feel no strangeness about it. Trained and in control. She will be the fist of fury to aid in the slaughter of the blood drinkers. However, she does seem young, like me.

I have been on the road a long time since I left Carnparlel. Alone. Alone for a long time. These companions are difficult for me. But they are also good. I do enjoy their talk and banter. I want to eat The Little One's food. He cooks from his own pot, every night.

My head is sore. I drank too much. I do this when I am nervous. And in a strange place. Lord Sharbles was here when we arrived. They say they must escort him. This does not interest me. He is like the master and his friends. Rich and does not understand what he is doing.

He irritated me. I do not wish to escort him. But he is why they are here. Perhaps when I go out there they will have something else for us to do. For Sharbles will be no fun.

My head still hurts.

I think It has moved.

The dreams I had last night were challenging. They seemed to last for an age. I saw a huge tree that glowed with a purple light. It hung over a cliff face. As I approached it began to fade until the tree was completely gone and I could look out over the edge. Looking down I saw waves crashing violently against the rocks below. Looking ahead, a vast ocean with immense waves that writhed with life. Serpents and water beasts broke the surface revealing their monstrous slimy forms. Then He rose from the depths. Hundreds of chains above the water. His wings stretching out blocking the sun, casting a shadow over the ocean. His tentacled maw spoke to me. Words I know that I know already but I could not understand what I head. Yet, in my mind they made sense. They were a promise of power and a reminder of repayment. Those words were streaming forward into my mind as he rose and the shadow crept towards me. The darkness of the shadow moved ever faster. My heart began to race. I woke with a bellowing scream when the shadow reached me. My scream was filled with the lightning force of my ancestors.

I burned the roof.

My head still hurts.

There is a black spider crawling up my leg.

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